Privacy Policy




1.1 Our collection, use and disclosure of your personal data is governed by the Personal Data Protection Act of Singapore (“PDPA”), the terms of which are also incorporated into this Agreement by reference and apply your use of our App and the App Functions.


1.2 It is a continuing condition of your use of the App and App Functions that you agree to the terms of our Data Protection Policy as amended from time to time. We reserve the right to update or modify this Privacy Policy at any time without prior notice. Your continued use of the Services after any changes or revisions to this Privacy Policy shall denote your Agreement with the terms of such a revised Privacy Policy.


1.3 Incuna collects personal data via user inputted data and through the use of cookies and other technologies to improve and upgrade the System, including details of your visits to the System, traffic data, IP address, location data, operating system, browser type;


1.4 Incuna may collect personal data from you whenever you provide this to us when you register / administer your account, visit certain portions of the App, or report / administer problems in connection with the use of the App, including:



The main objectives of data collection are to improve the understanding of MPNs. In lieu of these objectives, the above-mentioned compilation, processing, analysis, and anonymous disclosure of data may be conducted with the purpose of:



All and any data you enter into the App shall be treated with absolute anonymity and any information that is provided to a Third Party in the form, including aggregated reports, shall not include any personal information, including all data recorded during registration.


    1.5 Personal information and data that you provide to Incuna can be modified from your MPN10 app account (e.g. modifying your user email address). If you remove data from your account, it will no longer appear to you. Backups of that data will remain associated with your MPN10 account and in our archive servers.


1.6 You can deactivate your MPN10 account by contacting from your user’s email address. When you do, data that can identify you will be removed from the Services, including but not limited to your email, name, symptom data, etc. Backup copies of this data will be removed from our server based upon an automated schedule, which means it may persist in our archive for a short period. Incuna may continue to use your de-identified information after you deactivate your account.


1.7 You may direct any queries in respect of your personal data in respect of the above to the Chief Data Officer of Incuna at


1.8 Your personal data will be hosted on a server located in Singapore, and will not be transferred to any location outside of Singapore.